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Una Consulting from Bihac and Zavod za vodoprivredu from Sarajevo signed contracts for use of the software CalcuLEAKator PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 14 December 2016 08:59


The Consulting company Una Consulting from Bihac signed a contract with the author Djevad Koldžo and acquired the right to use software CalcuLEAKator on the Project MEG  2 

Last Updated on Thursday, 11 May 2017 08:02
New version of CalcuLEAKator4.3 is set to download PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 23 November 2016 11:33


The new version of the CalcuLEAKator software for water balance and performance indicators calculation is set to download. In the new version have made further improvements and removed errors detected in the previous version.

Last Updated on Thursday, 11 January 2018 15:16
Simplified method for Water Balance calculation is presented at the 1st Congress on Water in Sarajevo (B&H) PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 03 November 2016 10:40

prvi kongresija002-20161103-105006

After Bologna, Simplified method for Water Balance calculation using bottom up approach is presented at the 1st Congress on Water which were held in Sarajevo at 28 October 2016.

The Congress was organized by the Association of Consulting Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina and it covered the following topics:

Last Updated on Thursday, 08 December 2016 12:08
Debate: "Why Sarajevo there is no water?" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Monday, 14 November 2016 15:47


 "Bosniak Intellectuals Forum" on Thursday 03 November 2016 held a public debate on the topic: "WHY SARAJEVO THERE IS NO WATER?"

Last Updated on Sunday, 08 January 2017 10:32
Simplified method for Water Balance calculation is presented at the IWA Workshop in Bologna (Italy) PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 03 November 2016 09:17

bologna001-20161103-095858Od 19. do 21. Oktobra u Bolonji (Italija) je održan IWA workshop: IWA WaterIDEAS 2016 - Intelligent Distribution for Efficient and Affordable Supplies. 

Na Workshopu je predstavljena pojednostavljena metodologija za prora?un vodnog bilansa pristupom od dna prema vrhu, primjenjena u vodovodima u BiH i Crnoj Gori. Ovaj pristup se bazira na rezultatima kratkotrajnih mjerenja hidrauli?kih parametara u Vodovodno sistemu i njihovom daljnjom obradom na osnovu poznatih podataka vezanih za jedno satne trendove potrošnje vode u sli?nim  zonama. Za lakšu  primjenu ove metodologije napravljen je i software-ski alat ReCalcuLEAKator.


Last Updated on Thursday, 03 November 2016 10:53
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